I joined Comms Declare & you should too

Why should Communicators join Comms Declare?
Climate breakdown is one of the most serious issues of our time.
As communicators, we know that words matter. The pen is mightier than the sword, and our industries hold great influence over the messages that reach the public and the projects that gain social licence.
We craft, promote, sell and place messages, both written and visual, that are seen by millions and help to shape our culture, values and future. Collectively, we have great power, and we need to use it wisely.
For too long our industries have been helping companies that produce greenhouse gas pollution by furthering their interests and protecting their reputations.
To help achieve net zero, communicators must be aware, declare and act.
For more on how communicators can make a difference, read: How conversations and messaging can help transform the world
More than 340+ Marketing, PR, Advertising and Media professionals and 80+ organisations that have declared for the climate.
Join us https://commsdeclare.org/