What is The Social Web and why does it matter?
Imagine you only needed one account to like, comment and see content on, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, Youtube, Discord, as…
I’m a Branding Consultant living and working in Melbourne, Australia. Over the last 25+ years I’ve had the pleasure of working with some of the world’s biggest Brands as well as helping hundreds of startups get off the ground and find their voice. I work with marketing professionals and company leaders, empowering them to take control of their own brands and uncover their key brand narratives. I help them to better understand their essence and what role they can play in the world, given their own unique set of circumstances. We work together strategically in brainstorming sessions, uncovering the brand’s purpose and finding ways to bring it to life through a 360 degree communications approach. I can either help hands on, develop the ideas for clients or work with specialist external agencies, briefing them and project managing the whole process. At the end of a project I create a Brand Bible which covers everything from the company culture, employee branding, customer profiles, brand essence, key narratives, logo guidelines and more. I like to catch up with clients on a regular basis to see how their Brands are evolving and continually explore ideas for improvements. My FEES
Lee Whitfield – Branding Consultant [Melbourne, Australia]
No matter how big or small your company is, its biggest asset is its brand. A good brand can mean the difference between profit and loss, advocacy or disinterest, success or failure. Yet few companies have a dedicated Head Of Brand. Someone who is there checking in on the big ideas, the key narratives and how they are being executed. I help clients with either small parts of a project, the whole project end to end or work as an ongoing advisor for all things Brand related.
To deliver the most value and impact for clients I sometimes work on a retainer basis. Having a permanent branding consultant helps companies get the best out of creative agencies and other suppliers and helps them make better creative and design decisions. I regularly check that communications and business strategies are joined up, are resonating with consumers and aligned with the brand purpose. I work continually with company leaders to evolve the brand as well as to refine the communication strategy.
I have developed my own unique approach to Brand Strategy that is as effective as it is simple. It’s the most bull sh*t free, empowering and flexible approach you will find.
I work with company leaders to help them unleash their inner “Steve Jobs. ” I help them learn the stuff he learnt from branding professionals about how to build and lead a brand. I provide insights and inspiration as well as guidance on uncovering a unique brand vision that is both authentic and will resonate with target customers.
*Subject to availability and nature of business
Imagine you only needed one account to like, comment and see content on, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, Youtube, Discord, as…
These are a few of the Brands I have helped over the years working all over the world, working in different agencies or as a consultant. These are just a few of the more well known companies, you may know, but it’s the smaller ones I am most proud of. The ones I have helped from the start-up stages through to them becoming industry leaders. I’ve helped hundreds of these SMEs over the years, find their voice and articulate it across all media.